The land of the fee

America, a radiant beacon of creativity. Fine art, cinematic marvels, transcendent music, and boundless innovation – and yet, in equal measure, they unravel the very fabric they weave.

This is a nation founded on the mythos of freedom. Freedom from tyranny. Freedom to ascend. Freedom to shape oneself into anything imaginable.

But gaze upon the landscape that freedom has sculpted today: the world’s freshest kleptocracy, draped in the garb of democracy.

Unfettered freedom, unchecked ambition – they have birthed their undoing. Money reigns supreme, and there are no laws left sacred in the race to profiteer on the backs of the vulnerable.

They create social platforms, grand monuments to connection and hope, heralded as tools to bind humanity closer together. And yet, with grim inevitability, these platforms are politicised, weaponised, poisoned. They are transformed into echo chambers of bile and mechanisms for control. And when the ruins settle, they build another – only to corrupt it anew.

That taint knows no borders. It seeps across oceans, infecting the global mind.

And now, we are left grappling with the impossible. We are made to hold two contradictory truths at once: the beauty and the blight. The brilliance of their creativity and the darkness of their exploitivity.

The oligarchs, like lords of old, line up their dowries with polished smiles and gilded contracts, securing dominion over what little remains unclaimed.

What comes next? The question hangs heavy, unanswered, as we await the inevitable twist in this tale of excess and entropy.

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