America, a radiant beacon of creativity. Fine art, cinematic marvels, transcendent music, and boundless innovation – and yet, in equal measure, they unravel the very fabric they weave. This is a nation founded on the mythos of freedom. Freedom from tyranny. Freedom to ascend. Freedom to shape oneself into anything imaginable. But...

The mind naturally wanders. the more you focus on the wandering thoughts the better you get at ignoring them...

Is Sydney on the brink of becoming a music free zone?The Nanny State Wales premier announced changes to the live music rules in Sydney. This was triggered because of a series of drug deaths at music festivals.The changes were clearly designed by men in suits who have never been to...

Australia held a plebiscite to gain public opinion on Same Sex Marriage. The result – an overwhelming yes! But politicians still thought they knew better...

Marriage Equality vote in Australia "The Australian Human Rights Commission considers that the fundamental human rights principle of equality means that civil marriage should be available, without discrimination, to all couples, regardless of sex, sexual orientation or gender identity." However, the outdated, out of touch, religiously inclined, politicians that govern our society...

Why settle for boring tshirts and art prints that everyone else has. Try something with an idea behind it. Make a (fashion) statement....

Propaganda factories deliver fake news helping create a perfect day of outrage to everyone on the planet. What are we to believe?...

Sometimes you just have a bad day. What do you do to get yourself out of the funk? I have listed a few books at the bottom of the page that are quick reads and great at giving you a kick in the ass....

Is Putin secretly the richest man on earth? Evidence suggest he is. And I think he just bought America at a bargain price....

Paris 2004 with T.point, Epsylon point, El Pimiento, Artist Ouvrier, Blek Le Rat, Evil Taxi, Pure Evil, Pooch, Speedy Graffito and many more…...

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